First, I would like to thank my family for their continuing support of my work, my quirks, and their just being there. Each of you have a place lodged in my heart, and although we may not talk everyday, I do think of you every day.
Next, I would like to thank my friends, both work and non-work friends, who stay in touch through phone, Facebook, email, and any other means necessary. This world has become so disconnected, and I am learning that we can use technology to maintain relationships and community. For my colleagues with whom I work, you have become great friends and compatriots. I couldn't have asked for better, more caring people to work with. Plus, you are all just tons of fun! Forgive me if we have not connected lately; one thing I worry about is losing touch with some of my close friends from other periods in my life. It seems that the nature of friendship is changing, and we have to work really hard to maintain all of our friendships and relationships. My wish is that more of you learn about Twitter and email so that we can stay in touch and remain in each others' lives.
I want to acknowledge and thank ALL of my colleagues and partners in education today. I think you truly have the most difficult and thankless job there is in this world today - working with young people in this country teaching them the skills and strategies to be successful in the 21st century. Most of the teachers and administrators I work with have huge, oversized hearts. They care so much about what they do, and they care so much for the students they serve. Those of you in urban settings who work so hard every day with few resources, I am in awe of your strength and your character. My prayer is that things change very soon in education, and that the public get a clue of the kind of Herculean effort it takes to keep things going in some schools. I feel so thankful and privileged to be working and learning with you.
Finally, to my mentors and know who you are. You are also dear friends, but even more than that. All through my life I believe that people have been placed in my way who have been there to help guide me in my life. Spiritually, I believe that those people are placed in my way for a reason. They are there to help me learn and become a better person. All of you teach by example, and I can only hope to be placed in someone else's path to mentor and help them on their journey. On this Thanksgiving, I am so thankful that many of you have been placed in my path during this lifetime. I'm thinking that learning is continuous, and that even when I'm 75, I will have mentors and teachers. What a wonderful gift!
God bless all of you who take time to read my blog. I really enjoy being able to express my voice. I am thankful to live in the United States where all of this freedom is possible. I am thankful that my church is not judgmental, and they welcome me back any time I have stayed away too long. I am thankful that we will have a new administration, and I am feeling very hopeful for our country. I'm thankful that I am healthy and able to pursue my interests. I am thankful that I have opportunities work with all kinds of people. I'm thankful that in my work I am able to give back and work towards improvement of an institution I love and believe in - the public schools. I'm truly blessed, and everyone I've mentioned plus many more contribute to this. Have a wonderful holiday season.